Delivery Information
Our aim is to hold high-quantity stock of wire guides for all of our customers placing repeat orders for designs already produced. For our clients this means there is no need to hold high-value consumable stock items, a fast delivery, and best customer service; our website facilitates these objectives.
Ordering online could not be easier, simply login, select your guides, and stock levels for your items will be displayed; review your shopping cart, select shipping method, and checkout. Updates will be provided at each stage of our manufacture, administration, & delivery processes – along with a tracking number for your goods once shipped.
Benefits of ordering online direct with Eurotubes UK:
Source manufacturer: best prices, instant confirmation of stock and delivery times.
- No emails, phone calls, faxes, time zone restrictions, or waiting for confirmations.
- Fast delivery: International 1-2 days’ shipping available on orders before 12:00pm
- When placed, your order is automatically inserted onto our live production schedule internally:
- You are effectively communicating your wire guide tube requirements directly with our CAD-CAM-CNC production engineers!
- Live order updates: you will receive updates relating to your order via email
- Clear pricing, with quantity-break discounts